
Free distant grief recovery energy healing worldwide

Free distant energy healing for grief recovery is done via skype and it instantly cures the grief and other emotional problems. All healings are done free of cost.. God did not dumb human beings to this world. Actually God send us into this world as highly interconnected beings, which we are unable to perceive and are not aware of. Healing happens when we are connected to God.. We are here in this world to do dharma and enjoy the fruit of happiness delivered by dharma. Dharma is any action where both giver and receiver are happy. Means dharma happens only when others connected to our actions are happy because of our actions to enjoy happiness.. Therefore it is the responsibility of every human being to help each other. Healing others is a 100% dharma as both the healer and the person healed are happy when healing happens. Sitting anywhere in the world, god willing, healing can happen to anybody, anywhere in the world ( distant energy healing) . Therefore area or place...

Dharma and Grief Recovery.

Mind, Dharma and Grief Recovery. God did not dumb human beings to this world to suffer. Actually God send us into this world as highly interconnected beings, in order to enjoy happiness, which we are unable to perceive and are not aware of. Healing happens when we are connected to God.. We are here in this world to do dharma and enjoy the fruit of happiness delivered by dharma. Dharma is any action where both giver and receiver are happy. Means dharma happens only when others connected to our actions are happy because of our actions to enjoy happiness. Therefore it is the responsibility of every human being to help each other. The best ways to do dharma is By praying for others in our mind By giving gratitude to others in our mind By blessing others in our mind. If we pray for ourselves, it is begging as we are only trying to pull something without giving out anything which contradicts law of karma. Law of karma states that, we receive wh...